Monday, May 10, 2010

Some professors


I had a calculus professor that was from another country.  That's not what made him suck.  What made him suck was that he had a heavy accent, spoke very softly, and faced the white board for almost the entire quarter.  I'm sure that he was a brilliant mathematician, but not so hot on the teaching.

Of course, I was dumb and should have switched classes right after the first meeting.  But no, I gave up half way through and failed miserably.  Retaking it the next quarter was not fun.

Sometimes you don't have much choice and you have to make the most of the situation.  Even if that means just getting a C and getting the hell out of there.  When you aren't stuck, don't stick around.  You're paying for that education so you should get the best that you can get.

1 comment:

  1. Don't beat yourself up too much about it. It's something we all learn sooner or later: (Hopefully).
    Years ago, in community college, I signed up for a class titled: Environmental Science.
    I'm good at science. I love it.
    Even now, almost 30 years later, my interest has not waned. But the teacher who taught that course, in essence, wanted nothing to do with his students. He simply wanted to come in, read from his notes, and leave. God help the student who wanted to discuss points of interest or request clarification. Like an idiot, I tried repeatedly to do so and was consistently met with stoney looks and curt replies. I bailed after the first two weeks because I just couldn't stand it any more. It was a valuable lesson for me at a young age. Just because those guys are up at the board and moving their lips doesn't mean that they can teach. And if they can't teach, you aren't going to learn a whole lot.
