Thursday, March 4, 2010

I keep seeing students do the same stupid thing

When it comes time to register for classes, which you did today I hope, you need to have multiple schedules at the ready. When I had to register for classes, it had to be done over the phone. On the scheduled date, hundreds of others would be trying to register at the same time. Once you got into the automated system, you had to get your classes or you may not be able to get back in later to do it. It's a huge pain in the ass, especially when you have to keep work schedules in mind, but it pays off in spades to have valid options available at your fingertips.

Don't have one or two second choice classes, have a whole schedule ready. You won't get locked into classes until your senior year and you can cross that bridge when you come to it. For now, don't rely on luck, sympathy stories, or charm. No one has any sympathy right now because every student has a sad story to get that one class they need. And the crappy cut backs on classes and sections situation isn't going to get any better any time soon.

If all else fails, try bribing the secretaries with doughnuts.

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