Saturday, January 1, 2011

Speeding Tickets

Obviously, the best thing to do is not to get them.  However, if you drive enough for long enough, it is probably going to happen.  I got one in September without even trying.  The cop was sitting in the perfect spot to nail someone before they even knew it and I walked (haha) right into it.  I wasn't trying to speed, more like not trying to slow down.  The result was the same, so it doesn't really matter.

Here's what you do: don't just pay it, go to court.  You'll still end up paying, but there's a good chance it will be less than the bail amount on the notice you get in the mail.  My ticket was cut in half just for showing up and pleading guilty.  Also, take the traffic school.  It is a few hours of boredom and a little bit of money in exchange for keeping your record a little cleaner.

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