Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Oh retail, you heartless soul-crushing temptress

When you need a job--which is like all the time by the way so get cracking on that--retail is not a bad option. You don't go home smelling like french fries, the hours are flexible, you get paid to swipe a piece of paper over a laser and make change. Hell, you don't even have to figure out the change, the register will tell you! Too easy, right? Right, so the pay sucks, you learn how dim the general public can be, and you spend ages thinking about how you really should be doing something better. So take the job if it is there (hey, money doesn't grow on trees), add to your flair collection and apply at Friday's. If you're going to be in the retail/service industry, go where they get fat tips. Then you can finish up all those degrees, get a job as a professor, and enjoy the huge office and teaching students that hang on your every word.

Just don't hang on to that retail/service job for too long. Ask me about ruts and why working smarter is always better than working harder sometime.

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